Halloween 2012: Tomb of the Pharaoh



Every mummy needs a sarcophagus!

This one is made of cardboard, hot glue, paper mache, and paint.

I used about 100 small sticks of hot glue to make double or triple thick cardboard.

Here I"m using a 10" tall piece of cardboard as a guide to see where to cut or where to add more cardboard to make an even depth.

To make the rounded top, I added some load-bearing cardboard (hee hee) and then put curved cardboard on top.

Every side got lots of reinforcement. I want this thing to be tough!

Since the dead pharaoh wanted to identify with Osiris, they would have themselves depicted as Osiris on their coffins. In my haunt, the evil pharaoh tried to make a deal for immortality with Seker, a falcon-headed funerary god that is sometimes linked with decay.

The mummy looks happy to see his new sarcophagus!